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There are many different varieties of drinks that are available in the market, juices, cold drinks, health drinks, fruit beverages. We consume many of them on almost a daily basis. Delhi NCR and other Metropolitan cities have a huge shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables so they have to rely on fruit drinks which are available in the market, ready to consume fruit based drinks are plenty in the refrigerator of most shops in Delhi NCR region. Online shopping is a new age trend which has caught up with all of us, drinks like health dinks, juice and fruit based drinks, water and soda drinks, energy drinks, cold pressed juices are some of the type of drinks we offer online. Health drinks like complain and Horlicks are a huge demand in the Indian market, juices like Real and Tropicana are usually consumed with breakfast by majority of the people in metro cities like Delhi NCR, Drinks like Coconut water are also offered on our website for shopping online, coconut water is a drink which has wondrous properties for our body. Water and Soda also come under the category of drinks and are offered on our website, luxury brands like Perrier and Evian are hot favorites of people of metropolitan cities like Delhi NCR. Consumption of health drinks is also significant in Cities like Delhi NCR which has a large section of growing population. Usually in cities like Delhi NCR, In the hustle of a busy work schedule people often don’t get the time to sit and relax with a nice glass of cold fruit juice or a fresh fruit based drink, but instead choose to have packaged fruit juice or drinks which suits their needs. To grant the accessibility of delivering the juice anywhere, Frugivore resolves to upkeep the best quality of drinks and other products. Energy drinks are drinks with high sugar and caffeine content which are suited for people who wish to engage in endurance based tasks or need a quick jolt of energy, energy drinks serve just the purpose. They are consumed by people who have a heavy work load or have to stay up during long shifts and need the best of their attention, so energy drinks are a convenient alterative to fruit based drinks and juices in cities like Delhi NCR.